
Ques­tions to ask a Reiki Mas­ter about Reiki Train­ing

by William Lee Rand

There are many peo­ple teach­ing Reiki classes   now. Some are highly qual­i­fied and may be just the right teacher for you and   oth­ers may not have the right en­ergy for your needs. So, the ques­tion is of­ten   asked about how to choose a Reiki teacher that is right for you. Here is a list   of ques­tions to ask any Reiki mas­ter who you are think­ing about tak­ing a class   from.

  • How long have you been work­ing with   Reiki? What train­ing have you had? How of­ten do you teach? How do you per­son­ally   use Reiki? What is your lin­eage?
  • Will this train­ing ini­ti­ate me into, or   progress me within the Usui lin­eage? If not, then which lin­eage is it a part   of?
  • What qual­i­fi­ca­tions are re­quired to take   Reiki Train­ing?
  • What do you cover in your classes? How   many hours of class time is in­cluded? How much time is in­struc­tional, and how   much is hands on prac­tice?
  • What are the spe­cific things I will be   able to do af­ter tak­ing the train­ing?
  • What are your fees, and will I re­ceive a   cer­tifi­cate and a man­ual?
  • Can I take notes and tape record the   class?
  • How many sym­bols will I learn?
  • Is there a Reiki sup­port group in my area   or can you help me es­tab­lish one?
  • Will you openly sup­port me in be­ing a   suc­cess­ful Reiki prac­ti­tioner or mas­ter?
  • Do you have a pos­i­tive re­spect­ful   at­ti­tude to­ward other Reiki prac­ti­tion­ers and mas­ters, re­gard­less of lin­eage or   af­fil­i­a­tion?

Be aware of how you feel about their   an­swers and if they are re­spond­ing in a lov­ing man­ner that is sup­port­ive and   em­pow­er­ing. Lis­ten to your heart and you will be guided to the right   teacher.

Tests with sci­en­tific in­stru­ments in­di­cate that   elec­tro­mag­netic fields ex­ist around the body and around each of the or­gans of   the body. The heart , which has the strongest field, which has been mea­sured at a   dis­tance of 15 feet from the body.

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Fara­day’s law in­di­cates that one elec­tro­mag­netic   field can in­duce cur­rents into a nearby con­duc­tor,  through this process it in­duces a sim­i­lar field around it. In this way, a healer in­duces a healthy   elec­tro­mag­netic field around an un­healthy or­gan, thus in­duc­ing a healthy state   in the or­gan.

Be­lief vs. Sci­ence

The in­te­gra­tion of re­search sci­ence with com­ple­men­tary    med­i­cine is a tremen­dously ex­cit­ing en­deavor, putting some ac­tual em­pir­i­cal ev­i­dence on the table for both sci­en­tists and scep­tics alike.

What is Reiki, re­ally?

There is a sci­en­tific ex­pla­na­tion for Reiki that is based on    stud­ies and fac­tual in­for­ma­tion. This ex­pla­na­tion has been pre­sented as a re­pro­d­u­ca­ble hy­poth­e­sis by James Os­chman, Ph.D.

Dr. Os­chman is a sci­en­tist with a con­ven­tional back­ground who be­came   in­ter­ested in the prac­tice of en­ergy med­i­cine. Through re­search, he dis­cov­ered a   num­ber of im­por­tant sci­en­tific stud­ies that point to a sci­en­tific ba­sis for   en­ergy med­i­cine based on the laws of physics and bi­ol­ogy. These find­ings are   dis­cussed in an in­ter­view, “Sci­ence and the Hu­man En­ergy Field,” pub­lished on

The elec­tri­cal cur­rents that run through every part of the hu­man body pro­vide   the ba­sis for Dr. Os­chman’s hy­poth­e­sis. These cur­rents are pre­sent in the   ner­vous sys­tem, or­gans, and cells of the body. For in­stance, the elec­tri­cal   sig­nals that trig­ger the heart­beat travel through­out all the tis­sues of the body   and can be de­tected any­where on the body.

Am­pere’s law in­di­cates that when an elec­tri­cal cur­rent flows through a   con­duc­tor, an elec­tro­mag­netic field is pro­duced that re­flects the na­ture of the   cur­rent that cre­ated it. Tests with sci­en­tific in­stru­ments in­di­cate that   elec­tro­mag­netic fields ex­ist around the body and around each of the or­gans of   the body, in­clud­ing the brain, heart, kid­neys, liver, stom­ach, etc. The heart has the strongest field, which has been mea­sured at a   dis­tance of 15 feet from the body.

The fields around each of the or­gans pulse at dif­fer­ent fre­quen­cies and stay   within a spe­cific fre­quency range when they are healthy, but move out of this   range when they are un­healthy. The hands of heal­ers pro­duce puls­ing   elec­tro­mag­netic fields when they are in the process of heal­ing, whereas the   hands of non-healer do not pro­duce these fields. When a healer places his or her   hands on or near a per­son in need of heal­ing, the elec­tro­mag­netic field of the   healer’s hands sweeps through a range of fre­quen­cies based on the needs of the   part of the body be­ing treated. Fara­day’s law in­di­cates that one elec­tro­mag­netic   field can in­duce cur­rents into a nearby con­duc­tor and through this process,   in­duce a sim­i­lar field around it. In this way, a healer in­duces a healthy   elec­tro­mag­netic field around an un­healthy or­gan, thus in­duc­ing a healthy state   in the or­gan. For a more com­plete ex­plaina­tion, check out his ar­ti­cle.

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